The Ugly Truth

Can you see a rainbow in this picture ? Try to look deeper and harder.

Well, if you CAN'T see it, you're not going to die sooner. Duhh. But If you can't see any rainbow then you're right. There is no rainbow here in this picture. But that's not the point. The point is,
Don't ever make something which is nothing and don't ever expect of something impossible. I thought after it rained today, there's gonna be a rainbow across my wide window, but I only saw this view. Hmmmm
Cold huh ? Tell me all about it. Btw, I'm having my second Physics test tomorrow. Pray for me and wish me luck guys.
And don't try to do anything that could spoil my whole day, I seriously meant it. When it comes to Physics, my whole hormone went crazy. Eversince kindergarten. So don't ask why.
I'm gonna try to smile the whole day tomorrow because Aujourd'oui ,Je suis tres heureux ♥

Ohh Ohh just so you know that I rarely online these days especially Facebook, so when I didn't reply fast or anything, you know what happened. Plus, the internet here sucks. Sorry
FJ ♥