Not For His Valentine

There are hundreds more of this heart on campus

Don't tell me about goodbyes. It happens all the time. Today you see me, tomorrow you won't. So, to like it or not, we still have to go through it. Like I said, it happens all the time. Leaving this UiTM is making me sad, because I really love the environment, the buildings, the faculty, the ceruk-ness from the city, I like everything about it. I don't care even I have to go through 3 hours of RapidKL ride to get to the city. It didn't bother me at all :) So, our days are finally almost over huh ? And after this, there will no more lunches together, no more sleeping and giglings in lecture halls, no more feeding fishes in the pond, no more rempit-ing to the mamak, no more overnight-ing activities together. Hmm it's a lie if I said I'm not sad for these things that finally come to an end, but think positively. There's always opportunities and destinies. And I believe in them. Qada' and Qadar. Chewahhh. AHAHAH


We'll meet again but not here. I'll find my time. I'll work hard. I'll do anything to keep this precious friendship from ending. Yes, I will. And I'm a person that keeps her promises. I don't know about you guys but I do actually care about you guys. These 8 great months have taught me a lot. How to cope with different people and how to live my life in the future with courage and passion. It's just not about those laughs that we share is the most important, but the cries that we pours on each other. That's priceless.

If a friend who only available to laugh, that's not the friend that you're really looking for. Real friends available to laugh and cry. But if it was your mistakes for not making him/her your real friend, then that's all your fault. Ordinary people are not mind readers. They won't understand how you feel, unless you told them. Remember that. Don't expect that they will automatically understand it. It's like Da Vinci code. Next time, when you're finding a friend, try to search for the right one ok :) In studies, they play a big role in your life.

Hmmmm though I hope we will be place in the same university for Degree, I wish you all best of luck. I'm gonna miss you all soo much. Damn, I'm doing this crappy talk which everybody else is doing as well. HAHAHA. But the point is, we'll meet again. Don't worry. Just like what happened to your high school buddies. You still meet them in between right ? Yess. So, worry not. Before it's too late and everybody is busy packing bags and books, my wish is please shall not forget me -.-'. Though I play no role in your life or maybe just a tiny bit, but you guys play the biggest roles in my life, that I kept best at heart. I know, this is jiwang already. Nevermind. I'm really putting my whole thoughts in this.


I'm gonna work after this asasi ends I think. For those who wants to join. jom?! Hihiihi.To gain money and experiences just like my after-SPM plans. I won't change my number. If I will, I'll inform youu. Even if my number changes, it'll be the same Fera Jas you knew from asasi you're reaching. It has always been the same me. Always.
Enough of this crappy talk. I can't stand it. HAHAHA.

FJ ♥