Pretty and Bikes

Who said pretty girls can't ride the motorbike ? Naaah. You're wrong. HAHAHA

♥ Yana Melati
 Potential REMPIT face. HAHAHA
Make sure your helmet is certified by SIRIM :)

Finallyyyyyyyyy, after Asasi is going to finish in a few weeks, I had some time to go down and eat at the Mamak stall near Puncak Alam. The One and ONLY nearest mamak. Hmm ate cendol, mee and rojak with Yana Melati :) Love the moment, the craziness. Seronok! For those who haven't been there or ate their food, try laa. Not really delish, tapi boleh laa. HAHAHA. Merempit time time hujan. Memang seronok.

Ohh Ohh thank you soooo much Sani for lending us your Superbike. Ninja lagi! Hahahaa. Minyak kitorang dah topup ok. Hmmm then bila pergi hantar helmet, terjumpa ramai pulak orang. Tak pasal pasal buat reunion bawah blok tu, borak borak :) Seronok seronok. Hmmmmmmm dah boleh study dengan tenang :) Kempunan nak cendol dah lepas. Thanks sebab carikan motor, thanks sebab bagi pinjam helmet dan bangun dari tidur anda to pass it to me. 

♥ Kan seronok kalau ada lesen motor, macam Yana Melati. Lesen L B2 saya dah mati April 2010. And not making any plans to renew it. HAHAHA
Have a Good Day you guys.

FJ ♥