
1 Caramel Coffee Base, Venti, with 2shots of expresso and maybe some dark cherry syrup on top, no cream. Thanks. It's gonna be a long day :) Ohh can I have it with soy milk ? Thanks again. HAHA.

Not to mention that this internet connection which really sucks here, I can't upload any photos these days -.-' or access my facebook.
Btw, Hmmm why you did that ? Any particular reason ? I know it's getting tense and more tense these days, so just put away those negative energy and smile. It will help. If you felt like crying when your head felt so heavy and you can't even breathe, take your wudu' and pray. Im sure everything is gonna be allright dear :) It's really really too late to breakdown now. Have faith. Have Faith ok. We'll do this together ♥
I promise.
