He Sometimes Pay in Cash

From what happened today, I learnt something. Is that, if he's gonna give it to us, he will, in CASH, randomly. But us, as his umat, shall not give up. OMG I swear I am so shocked to hear about it (what happened today) because it's so random. But then, I am so worried on the behalf of him. It's like, I wanna stop moving my fork and spoon and atleast tried to do something. But Szen handled it right so there's nothing else I can do either rather than just giving some ideas bla bla bla. You should see how worried Szen is. He's such a good friend. Always. And even after that, when I prayed, I held my hands, asking for this difficulties to end. Because when your friends are in trouble, they need your help too. They can't stand alone. Eventhough Im not that close to him, but he's still a friend to me. We all tried our best to help you and alhamdulillah it's solved. He just wanna give us some tests too and see how we handled it. And in this situation, you should really come in clean or else things will got even worst. Remember, don't everr give up :) 
Everything that happened comes with a reason.

#Nowplaying: Maher Zain- Always Be There


Anonymous said...

agree.i'll always help my friends.specially close frens. -SZEN-

FJ said...

♥ for the kind heart of yours :)

Mfs said...

i love szen!..