The Eye Candy

Ye, tadi saya nampak dia lagi. For the first time after two weeks. Saya tahu dia escape lectures, that's why I don't see him around. But whatever it is, I know he saw me too earlier and stand close to me * maybe tak sengaja je kot. Entah laa. Pleasee Encik Pink, get out of my head.
If u think u know me, get in. If you don't, get out.
Serabut otak. Love can make u feel sparks flying all over you and can be torns all over your body as well. If u move, You're hurt. If u do nothing, even more hurt. Umm maybe all the things I've been thinking is true after all. It's just another fairy tale. Yup, fairy tale. Sampai bila hidup saya ni nak jadi fairy tale entah laa. Dengan nasib lecturemate yang semua nya cun cun, haishhh. Jadi duda lah lagi baik kalau macam ni.
Kan Ellen Degeneres ? HAHA
HAISHHH baik fikir macam mana nak excel physics daripada fikir pasal benda ni. Buang ATP je. Patut nafas pun tak cukup nak naik tangga lately ni. Haishh shooh shooh

Bak kata status facebook saya : Life’s too awesome to waste your time thinking about someone who doesn’t treat you right. Right ?