Bonne F'ete Anniversaire

Watch Us :)!

  I know we looked crazy but that's not the point. The point is,

A 19 Years Old face :)

May ALLAH bless you. Have a blast one. Remember, you're 19 already and that's old already. HAHAHA. I'm still young :D Hmm our time is here, it ends tomorrow. Our Final paper ends tomorrow! Thanked god for that. Dah lah paper Physics pulak tu. Errr I wanna say more, but time doesn't permitt me. I have to study Physics some more. So I'll do it in another post, with others' post too :) Btw,
Thanks for being born :) 

Ohh and you compare us with this video below here.
p/s: Am not sure whether it really is Lady Gaga or not -.-'
For others, good luck for our final paper ok !

'Coz baby you were BORN THIS WAY'
-Lady Gaga

FJ ♥