Feels The Pain Of This Long Essay: SACC, SUNWAY,MCD, TESCO and SHAH ALAM MOSQUE

Ohh I've got some great stories to tell about yesterday but the photos are not with me yet. Szen took it to do some file transferring so, I will upload them later ;) Yesterday ? What about yesterday ? Yesterday was FUN ! Like Fun, FUN. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee it :) Spending a day out with my friends. And I even wore my contact lenses for 2 days! How incredible is that ? Awesome right? Thanks god my eyes are still ok. Hahaha. This is the second time I'm spending my time with Shah Ozair and Fikri Syafiq. They're awesome. I'm not just hanging out with them, still there's a few more. Szen, Adilah, Suffi, Basyarul, Adam, Maula :) But it's the second time that I hang around these two guys laa. We did some talk in the car and at the McD while high-ing HAHAHA. The fun part everr. Supporting my sister, Liyana Jasmay by watching the midnight Khurafat movie.

Fikri Syafiq did screamed alone because Szen suddently poked him, which was funny I think. He was shocked and screamed out of nowhere when even the scary part wasn't playing yet. HAHA. And FYI, who owns an O typed blood has a lot of patience. Take Shah Ozair and me as an example. Have you ever see us get mad ? I dont know about Shah but I think I never get mad at a person publicly. Right ? yeah, we were discussing about that while waiting for our movie hall to open. Funny but true. I dont think Shah ever get mad in public. HAHA kan Shah ? Hmmm but eventhough we dont show our angry-ness, we still have nerves. Just don't try to pull our strings. Just don't because once we're mad, you're gonna be truly sorry for what you did. And if you still didn't figure me out, I'm always silent when I'm mad. I don't scream and throw tantrums, but I rather go silent. So, take note.

Enough with the O typed blood what so ever, then we went to McD and lepak some more, wasting our time there. HAHAHA. Then, we went to perform our Subuh prayer at Shah Alam mosque. I felt very uneasy since I don't bring any shawl to cover up. I seriously did. When you look around, and saw people in white robes and serbans, you'll feel insulted. I felt at my very low point when I'm there. I know it's not proper to dress up like that to go and pray, but I still have to. So Fikri lent me his sweater with the hoody thingy. Thanked god there's still something to cover up. I know the hijab image is very good and I can't deny it but trust me, when the right time comes, I will wear it, the right way. Because some of girls nowadays, wear them for the Fashion's sake,and not the real nawaitu. But still, some. I said some , not all. But how and why they are wearing it, it's between ALLAH and them. I dont give a damn about it. But when it comes to me, when I'm ready, I want it to be almost perfect. Almost. I will try to cover up where necessary and cover and take care of my pride as a Muslimah. Yeahhh sound so hard to believe right ? But that is my nawaitu ;) And it's even more meaningful when somebody is encouraging me to wear them and give motivational and support you knowww ;D but not doing it sarcastically and pushy though =.='' . HAHHA. Ala ala ayat cinta. Insyaallahhhhhh. Pray for me  ;)

After we prayed, we slept for like 10 minutes, then off to mamak for breakfast. After that, we went to Tesco near the aquatic centre to pick up some items left from yesterday and later then we went back to Puncak Alam. A long, very long day indeed with the test and assignments and all but it was truly worth it. Thanks Again guys :) Ohh Fikri, thanks for the car ride. You and Shah are such nice drivers! And the best part of all, we ended up our day, the very most decent way :)

Xoxo, FJ.