Jantan will always be a jantan. Bukan lelaki, tapi jantan. There's a differences between these two.
You can always lie to my face but please never ever let your own lie discovered by myself on the spot.
Do u know the feeling when u are so god damn tired n someone offered u a ride home and then lie about not giving u the ride home? Do u know how shitty does that feel? I know exactly how it felt. You dont do that to me ever again pleasee. If you dont want to give me the ride home, just tell me. Don't lie to me.
I never ever forced anyone to send me home. I just felt a lil bit relieved that I knew someone is giving me a ride home. But then, it didnt happened. I was crying back then. I am so tired laa. N then u did that. Gosh it was so hurt. Painful. Sometimes I just felt like crossing the road without looking. I dont care if there are soo many cars passing by. If I was destined to be hit by any of the car, I wouldnt mind. Just hit me. I'm just tired living. But Thank you god for keep me living. I am so grateful. Maybe he'll let me find the right one for me first.
Everyday I wake up, I am always hoping that atleast there is someone, that will make me happy. I am always hoping for that. To say things that I wanna hear, to do things that I wanna someone to do, make sure I dh smpai rumah. Tak boleh ke janji yang tu je? Atleast bagi I balik from kerja with a smile. A simple wish is enough. Hmm I just felt terrible for myself. Tak ape lah, kalau tak ada yang sudi nak janji dengan saya, I just need to bear this everyday.
I cannot be happy all by myself. I just dont know how to. Help me find my happiness pleasee. Be my happiness pleaseee -______-
p/s: Hopefully Naa jadi datang tengok I time kerja esok.
Hmm that's all for today laa. Dah penat sangat ni. Dengan baca blog yg sedih gila ni lagi, dengan soundtrack blog ni memang buat mata merah. Goodnight
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