Getting deeper into clinical

Today, we have encountered a subtopic from our clinical subjects by learning one of the most common cause of death, Cardiac diseases. Yes, if 'heart attack' had run through your mind when you heard that, you have the general knowledge in you, which is good :) Plus we will be having a short seminar on cardiac disease sooner by an invited lecturer from USM. Can't wait for that either.

Besides that, we did learnt about cancer's grading and staging today.Truthfully speaking, eventhough all these , studying all the time and non stop presentations and quizes, learning about human body is something interesting. Seronok ronok ! Hehehe. You guys might think why I always like to share abt what did I learnt regularly aite. It's because to me, this is a knowledge, something that we all know but didn't particularly know the details. We all know what cancer is, but we dont know what it can do to us, and how. Ececeh

That's why I am a bit excited for every class I attended. Heee. In hopes, I could share the knowledge to others too one day. Angan besar! Hewhew.
