Hmm sometimes when people give u shit and have no idea what to do, you just go emo. Like how I am supposed to go back to Ipoh just to attend an interview tomorrow morning at 7.45AM ! They just informed me at 3.45PM today. It's that fair enough ? blurghhh so not fairr. Hmmmm I have to run around to catch a bus and then looked like a lady who lost her son (serabai laa kiranyaa) and then how do you tell people that they can trust you in anything ? I will try to be understanding and trustworthy.
Because I know the story, just not the whole of it. Certain things are still hidden from me. I didnt mean to interupt but I know things will go out of control once a person is out of control. Like the other day you said you prefer to have a cigarette, or maybe cigarettes or either you eat something in return to cool down yourself bcs nobody around you would ask why and volunteer to hear it out from you. Ape ape hal pun, think and do something that's good for yourself. Dont act crazy because I know how people like us feel when we are mad, like sooooo mad -____- In our mind, ' Ape nak jadi, jadi lahh' and then after that, we'll regret for everything. Hmmm K nobody wants to wish me goodluck huh ?! Fine. KTHXBAI
FJ ♥
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