Somewhere I Belong

I'm home people. OMG. It felt sooooo good lying down on my own KING size mattress alone. Fuhh. I'm tired these few days, getting job. Now I know it's quite tough to be in the retail department or atleast a Watson or a Starbucks. Hmmm. Now you now Fera. Now you know. So, my nose bleed again.
Hmmm I'll totally blamed the weather for this to happen. Yes. 35 degree celsius. Hmm no wonder. Then, when I called a few people and no replied, hmm adding the fun to my problems. Again, I thought I was gonna die. But Alhamdulillah, am not yet :) Umur masih panjangg. So, I took my medication and went to sleep. 5 phonecalls ignored. Sorry. I don't have the will to pick it up. I heard it's ringing and felt the vibration but my head was dizzy and kept spinning around. 

And then before that, in the evening, after I just got home, someone picked a fight with me. Who do you think you are ? haishhh. You like to call and text and said things that I hate. Bagus laa. Buat laa lagi. I memang suka. That's why I dont like to go online these days and have a look at your wall. I think I saw enough. You must thought I felt nothing or you are just so mean to let me see things that I don't wanna see. Pastu suka suka hati nak deactivate. Padahal u stalk my blog without following. You think I dont know that ? F you lah.

Ok laa. Got nothing to write here actually. Just mumbling about stuffs. Hehehe. Btw, wish me luck people for tomorrow. I hope the judge is cool :)


Ohh and currently addicted to Bieber's Favourite Girl :) I listened to it over and over again ♥


Btw Ziha, sedap sangat ke Sticky tu wehh ? Nak beli haritu tapi takut je tengok. Nampak keras dan pelik. HAHAHA. Any recommended flavour ? :)

FJ ♥



hanis azlan said...

sticky sgt sedap okay :)