Wanna know my story ?!


L I F E       I N     M S U


Thanked god I found my girl from PuncakAlam, Amani ♥
The U-Plaza of the campus ( main entrance ) or u can call it 'The Stairs'. Tempat students sini lepak2 duduk2 dikala hari mendung or tak panass :D

The god damn great library. it's 3 stories. Have play station room and karaoke room ( still under construction). Kau adooo? Non adooo. hihihi

OK. Dah settle register and now still tengah orientation smpai khamis. Hmmm so far everything about campus is the best!  We even have spa! Orientation hari hari habis paling lambat pun pukul 6. Hueheuhue. So malam mmg tak kacau. Hari hari boleh pg mana mana je. Just tak tawu nak pg mana dengan sape -__________- HIHIHI

And now I am living at Apartment Perdana, in front of the Big Giant supermarket tu. And until now, 4 hari dah takde air.
 ' Ehh dia mandi cmne?' Mesti korg terfikir cmtu kan ? Hmm mandi pakai air mineral! Sekali mandi dalam 3 botol besar. Tu pun xcukup sebenarnyaaa :'( Tapi nak buat cmne kan. Dugaan. Sabar je laa.

Tapi hari hari pergi campus memang boleh cuci mataa. Huehuehue :D SUKAAA.

Tipu! dah 4 hari kot sikdaaaa air ! :'(

Nasib baik esok balik rumah :) Boleh la mandi macam biasa , cuci laundry dan jumpa kawan kawan yg tercinta. RINDU SETENGAH MATI dah ni :D hueheuhueue. See you in KL :)

FJ ♥