Gigi Menghalang & Starbucks ♥


Yesterday I came to Parkson (again) to return back all of my uniforms and name tag. So I met these lovely people again. Huehueheuue. Boleh singgah masuk office Mr. Michael ( my manager) and ate kuih raya and maruku! Padahal dah tak keje dah pun. Kuikuikui. My Manager was not around yesterday so, I took my time :) Besides that, Kak Nita bagi I duit raya. Weeeeeeeeeeee :) Thanks kak! Christmas nanti kalau saya xde hal, saya dtg keje ok ? time tu mintak hadiah pulakk. Huehuehue.  

So mama asked me to go back to Ipoh to settle the scholarship that I interviewed the other day and also the PTPTN and other stuffs. It's time for me to shop for caffeine again.  And Im gonna need those Nescafe or whatever I can buy in a large quantity -_____-
 And what does that means ? It means I'm studying again. YES. Haishhh. Im not ready yet emotionally but Im eager to do so since I have left my studies for quite a while now. Im bored living everyday without a goal, without a vision. As long as I'm not graduate with a Bachelor certificate in my hand, Im not gonna quit. Why ?! Because I dont like other people to look down on what I am capable to do. Knowledge is the only thing that we can own for a lifetime. Betul tak ?! Hmm and I do have thoughts about continuing Master in Pharmacy or something. For a brighter future :) InsyaAllah. Lets pray for the best to all of us who currently continuing our studies shall we ?! Near or far, you guys are still  in my heart. And we will meet our new friends sooner. So just stick your heart near to mine. All my thoughts are with you guys ♥ no matter what laa. NO MATTER WHAT :) we'll meet again my dearest Szen, Fikri, Adiman, Suffi, Yanana, Ozair, Iqbal, Arip and semua lahh. Nak sebut ramai sgt.


So since semalam mama suruh jugak balik ipoh tu, angkut jugak laa bag samsonite tu pg Parkson -____- A sling 1 week travel bag tu. Quite small, mcm bag laptop je laa size dia tp tebal and slightly bigger sikit. But heavyyyyy ! Suruh Fared angkat. Huhuu. Dia pun kata berat kot. So can u imagine how I carry that bag on my shoulder + my handbag lagi ?! Yep, I'm a wonderwoman. Bahaha. Hmm so smpai je terus pg PS Room, tumpang letak that bag and charge my BB. Time mcm ni pulak dia nk habis battery. Sigh. So after that, lepak dlm PS Room dengan Kak Wati and Fared :) Dan macam biasa, gelak je laa kitorang. Hehehehe. Suka sangat ;) Dah pkl 6, teman Fared break, Didi pun ade. We went to Starbucks and like usual, I ordered my Favourite Frapp ;) Haritu kat Cameron, ade Fared jumpe satu sandwich ni kat Starbucks sana, tp smlm cekaut Starbucks sini takde wehh. So kitorang share je laa Frapp tu. Hmm and after that, duduk lepak lepak gelak gelak, it's time for them to swipe in. It's one hour already. And it's time for me to really say goodbye to Fared -_____- Since raya, hari hari jumpa dia, and now, it's time to say goodbye. Takpe, hari sabtu nnt, Kalau free, we'll meet for the last time. Kalau org lain pun boleh jumpe tiap tiap hari, takkan kita tak boleh. Huehue. Nak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih. But cara sedih macam nak belajar kat India je! Padahl kat Shah alam je kot. Dia boleh dtg, dgn Ares. Huehuehue. Wajib dtg! Yatt dengan She pun boleh dtg dgn Ira. Hehehe. Hmm so far, LG :) Life's Good.


And below is the video of us, Kak Wati, Fared and I at PS Room for the last time before I checked into MSU ;) Just incase my laptop is gone, ruined with no backup or I lost my memory one day. Atleast it's something I can remember and cherish. Just wanna share how happy we looked ♥
And if nak tawu why title post ni Gigi Menghalang, sila lah tengok video ini dan buka telinga. Ada dialogue tu. kak Wati yg cakap. huehuehueheu. Siap ade org rap lg kat hujung video ni. Tapi ni dh byk cut sbb kitorg byk merepek je. Heeee

Due to privacy, please DO NOT copy this video without my permission. Inform me first ok ? :) Thanks.
