Little Kid and Her Story

Today, I just felt something is poking me from behind in a monorail. I thought it was somebody's bag. So, I stay cool. But when the monorail stopped at Imbi station, I turned back and saw the guy behind me is not holding onto anything. I was like, WTF. Boner alert! In a monorail. Are u kidding me?! Bodo betul. He kept coming towards me as I always find my way to avoid standing in front of him. Go F yourself la. Get a room. Bodo betul orang tu. Haishhh. Nevermind. That was an unfortunate story from me today. Sigh

Ehh You boleh online dah ?
So, here's an interesting story. Yes.I'm onlining using my new YES 4G broadband. Good things happen when you say YES.HAHAHA. So far, the services were good. Like what they have been telling us, SPEED. Even with 1/2 bars, you can download a 4 minutes song within 7 seconds. Now how fast is that? Kau hade?! Hahahaha. So pergi la beli broadband anda sekarang. Just pay RM100 to get a Dongle ( the device) and also a RM50 worth reload. So this broadband use the motto of ' YOU PAY HOW MUCH YOU USE'. So every 1 GB cost at RM30. 2GB at RM 60. 3.5GB at RM98 kot. 5GB at RM150. Like me, I've been searching for a high speed broadband to go online since I dont go online that really often because I was busy with work. So every little time I have left, I would like to go online efficiently without having a BIG hole in my pocket. So, I choose YES. Haa, you can top up at any amount you need. It's that easy you know. Hehehe. Like I'm a promoter from YES laa kn?! hahaha. But seriously puas hati :)

When are you going to stop working ?
A question that I dont really have the answer myself. If you ask me that question, frankly I will say I wanna quit now. But for the sake of everyone at the department ( lack of Manpower and some other stuff) and I need to save up, I'll stay until I'm ready to stop. That's it. Nothing much about work that I wanna share here, because it's just the same like my previous work. If before this I am tired of somebody is bosy-ing me around and matured men flirting, it's nothing compared to what I've gain at Parkson. Now I know how life really works in our community nowadays. Only now I've opened my eyes to these kinda things. I really thought that this kinda story only ended in my high school years, but it didnt. It continues. hahahaha. Ape ape laa. As long as it didnt affect us, it's still ok. I believe a wise man can solve his own Sudoku puzzle. I believe in everything that he did. So dont let me down. Do what you gotta do.

How's Work, ok ?
Hmm ok je laa. But I just dont understand the pattern these days where people tell u something that is kinda serious and matters and then later told you back that it's just a joke. Are u kidding me? I'm not upset. It's just that I dont understand it why somebody would tell such a so-called-joke.Wahh. Tak faham. Sangat tak faham. Hmm suka hati la ye. Saya tak kesah. And then sometimes I felt like people are setting me up u know. Well, we cannot actually believe everyone in this field anymore. They say things behind your back. Just because I kinda live and hang around these 2 good-looking guys *coughs, I felt like I've been threaten. Hahaha. No, seriously. This is not a joke. You just dont get it. I felt it almost everyday. The vibe you know~

FOR SALE. Hahahaha.
But overall, all of the people around me at work are so fun to hang with. Every person is different in their own way. I just dont know whether I'm ready to be a grown up or not. Well, I think I'm ready. I think. hahahaha. And yes I dont care if you call me a Kid or you say I'm not matured. I'm still 19 and young. I am suppose to act like a kid as if I am a kid, that's growing up and still learning. But sorry, I wont be learning how to walk in my own shoes from you because from what I saw,you're not even walking straight on your own way too. Cakap lain, bikin lain. Ape benda tah~  Anyways, I think this thing could be settle so I dont need to think further. Just sometimes it gets me u know.

So, baju raya warna ape tahun ni? Mak dah belikan ke belum ? *tukar topic

Td pun lepak dengan Fikri Syafiq. lepas tu pg teman Szen second break and then went to buy him a Big Mac. kesian dia tak cuti hariini, terpaksa kerja. Hmm tp tak apa. I always had the feeling to visit them 2 work, even at days when I'm off. Baik kan? Ahahaha #perasankejap. Kitorang bershopping macam orang kaya. Hahaha. Hulur je debit card tu, semua boleh selesai. Tak ada masalah punya. Sampai la part dimana bakinya dah kurang dan hampir2 tiada. Ahahaha. Minggu depan dah kena ganti puasa dan puasa sunat. Rasanya dah lama tak beribadah sunat. Rindu pulak nak buat semua tu :) InsyaALLAH kalau ade rezeki nak puasa minggu depan ;) Amin.
Btw, try la tengok video ni, my sis is a part of it. Stf Marching Band. Songs: Lady Gaga :) ok. Esok I kerja. Nak facebooking sikit and then tidur. Goodnight beautiful people ♥

FJ ♥