Ni nak cite pasal last day working as a Parkson staff :) Hehehe. Sementara tunggu air kat kampung ni ade balik, baik upload sat gambaq gambaq haritu ♥
1. Me and Kak Wati the HYPE !
2. Our beloved sneaky driver :D
3 & 4. At Jln. Tar |
1. my lovely dudes :)
2. Attempt utk minum the "DEADLY" water. huehuehue
3. Kena basuh pinggan sebab tak minum pun air tu -____-
4. Just look at how bad kak wati laughed! heheheheheeh
These photos were taken during our last break fasting ceremony ( HUEHUEHUEHUE ) at our own house ! ( aka Pantry PS room ). Huehuehuehue. Memang macam rumah sendiri. Isi air dalam teko bagai! And then last2 kena minum satu air, creation campuran saki baki air yg ktorg beli + betik kak wati as a challenge la kononnya (Amazing race sgt). Sape tak minum cuci pinggan. Tu la (refer gambar atas) yg tak berani minum. Tak teruk sgt la rasanya huhu. Tawar je
-__________- Cuba tengok how ticklish kak wati ktorg :) Seronok sangat! Gelak je sepanjang masa tu :D
And then after habis keje je kitorg terus gerak pg Jln Tar. Kak wati nak beli kuih raya, I nk beli shawl :) So kitorg dropped by rumah Fared dulu and then baru gerak. All the way there, gelak je keje. Sakit perut woo, tp best :) Hmm and kak wati siap belanja kitorg mkan lagi. Huehuehueueheuheue.
The one who always been there for me lately. Huehuehuheue. Thanks a lot ! :D |
And that's how our day ended. PERFECT AND FUN. I will always remember a day like these for my entire life :)
FJ ♥
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